April 5, 1884 Henry JOHNSON and T.C. PRICKETT ran for the
treasuryship of the town of How, and each received an equal number of votes. In
order to settle the matter they drew lots and Mr. Johnson drew the lucky ballot.
We always knew that he was lucky.
JOSEPH SURING and J.M. ARMSTRONG ran for the chairmanship of the board of
supervisors for the town of How.
ARMSTRONG was elected by a majority of
three votes, but SURING has qualified and proposes to make a contest on the
grounds that several of the votes cast for ARMSTRONG were illegal, four being
cast by Indians and three by minors. There will be lots of fun when the matter
comes up in the county board.
April 12, 1884
last week as elsewhere, and resulted in the triumphant return of our reliable
veteran chairman, J.M. ARMSTRONG. Michael ELLINGER and Ed. SURING, both good and
able men were elected as supervisors. A good deal of excitement attended the
election add much speculation was indulged in as to the result, both sides being
saguine of success, the betting being two quarts of whisky to anything.
Robert GRIGNON was re-elected Clerk, the voters appreciating his past service
in that position which he has filled to the satisfaction of all. Henry JOHNSON
was elected for Treasurer and no better choice could have been made. For
Assessor, Herman YAKEL was elected after a sharp, close contest and will make a
first class officer. For Justice of the Peace, F.C. SCHEEVE and William
ARMSTRONG were elected by handsome majorities showing that they are deservedly
popular with the people of their town.
The town board have voted $1,000.00 for the purpose of assessing all the
lands in the town (including pine) by actual view and have secured two reliable
cruisers to accompany the assessor on his assessing expedition which will start
in two or three weeks. The party will be fully equipped having secured pack
mules, tenting accomodation, four months provisions and in fact everything
necessary for a prolonged campaign. We shall (ofcourse) expect some of our
Oconto friends to assist us in paying their taxes without enforcement. The
electors are becoming tired of injunctions and are going (if possible) to
collect all taxes due on lands in the town and hope to succeed.
The books of the town were examined and accounts audited last week and when
the balance was struck it was found that there was $1,800.00 dollars cash on
hand which is a splendid showing considering the amount expended on roads and
schools last year. Thanks to the board of supervisors, and especially to the
chairman. The river is full of logs, posts, ties, etc. bound for Oconto and the
merry voice of the driver is heard along the banks and elsewhere. George VERT is
back from Nebraska. He says "There is no place like How,Wis."