out on the lake, almost entirely stripped of clothing, the younger one being

already dead and the eldest one nearly so. They were at once taken home, and

restoratives promptly administered to the one still living, who is now fair for

recovery. It seems that the raft on which the boys had gone out on had ran

aground some distance out into the lake, and they were unable to get it free. In

their efforts they had divested themselves of their clothing and got out into

the water to try and push the raft off, but were unsuccessful. On again getting

on the raft they had become so be-numbed with cold that they had not the

strength to put on their clothing, and in this condition were exposed to the

rain and hail storm of Sunday night, resulting in the death of one of them, as

has already been said.

October 17, 1879

Another serious accident is announced from the town of How. A little child

was drowned in a well which had been left uncovered by the parents. It is rare

that two such accidents are to be recorded in two weeks.


December 4, l880

We visited the town of How a few days ago and looked over the works of

Messrs. CHISHOLM & MC CARTNEY. They have built a steam mill upon the Pecore

Brook, six miles from its mouth. The mill is now in success- ful operation,

though when we saw it the machinery was not all in. The engine is of 35 horse

power and is intended to run a circular and one shingle machine. Henry

TOURTILLOTT of Oconto is the millwright, which is proof sufficient that the

structure is a sound one.

Mr. & Mrs. W.H. STARKEY preside over the boarding house, and they dish up

‘chuck’ in a manner which would do credit to a first class hotel. We sampled the

edibles and speak from personal knowledge.

Jim CLAUSEN runs the supply teams and knows every good stopping place on the


George CHISHOLM counts ties, marks and makes himself generally useful. Young

George got a little homesick at first, but since he discovered that a fair young

cousin of his was living near camp he has been very contented.

Jos. COYE has contracted to put in 100,000 ties for the firm. He has his camp

built, and is busy cutting roads and getting ready for a big winter’s work.

Messrs. CHISHOLM & MC CARTNEY are energetic, thorough going young men,

both of whom have practical knowledge of their business, and we predict that

their enterprise will prove a successful one.

The new mill will be a great conveniece to the citizens of the town of How

and the surrounding country, as they will be able to get lumber and shingles now

right at their door, which they have heretofore been (continued)