June 2, 1879
Perhaps you think that as you have got us out of Shawano County you will not
hear from us anymore, but we are bound to speak our little piece all the same,
and we can atleast boast that we were once a part of Shawano County.
We have
been having quite a long spell of dry weather, but it is raining now nicely.
Crops of all kinds do well and give promise of abundant harvest.
settlement is generally properous, increasing this spring by 14 persons, eleven
by immigration and three by birth. The school in District No. 1 taught by Miss
S. SPICE of your city is doing finely.
Out town board has been trying to
find a nearer route for a road to the city of Shawano, and I am informed that
they succeeded in finding it.
The lovely mosquito is very lively in this
neck of the woods, presenting his bill at all times and seasons, but our old
friend the potato bug, has failed to put in an appearance this summer, and the
only way that we can account for his absence is that he made a miscalculation
last fall and did not burrow deep enough and froze to death. "Peace to his
We have a post office in our town, and it is called Hayes. Mr. J.
THOMPSON, from Waupaca County, has just come into this town with quite a gang of
men to make oak stave bolts. The log drives are all out of the South Branch, but
there are more to comeout of the North Branch yet.
The citizens of the Town of How had quite a celebration of the Fourth Of July
near the residence of Mr. T. W. BROWNELL. They had a picnic during the day and
then danced away the might. A slight shower in the afternoon made the air
pleasant, and all enjoyed themselves immensely.
October 3, 1879
We learn the following sad particulars from a gentleman just from the Town of
How: It appears that an Sunday last the two sons of William BARTZ, of that town,
aged ten and twelve years respectively, obtained permission of their mother to
go fishing on a small lake some three miles distant from home, agreeing to
return during the afternoon. The boys, however, did not arrive at the appointed
time nor during the succeeding night. The mother grew seriously alarmed but the
father being away and there being no near neighbors, nothing could be done until
the parent should arrive. Early Monday morning Mr. BARTZ arrived from Oconto and
immediately went in search of the missing some distance from shore ones. That
morning the boys were found on a raft some distance from shore (continued)