Jan. q, 1877, continued

The settlers hereabouts have sown fall wheat. Most of us will be busy with

lambs this winter. Our two school houses have been completed and will be ready

for the school marms in spring. The German Evangelical Church has organized a

society here and have occasional preaching. They have got a burying ground and

if we only had a doctor the town would soon have its fill. It is very strange to

me that so many men and families will stay in the cities and villages and barely

make a living when they can get 160 acres of land for almost nothing with almost

a certainty of future independence. Come and see. Come and breathe the pure air

of northern Wisconsin and drink some of our pure spring water, and you will

never sigh for the pent up air and filth laden water of the city.


April 6, 1878

Yesterday was town meeting day and it passed very quietly in this town, the

number of votes polled was 22, 3 voters staying at home. The sugar season is

over and it was short and sweet. The feathered songsters have come and the

mosquito occasionally presents his bill for an atom of blood. Mr. Louis SUERING

has taken unto himself a better half and we wish them joy. The following are our

town officers: T.W. BROWNELL, chairman, Ed. SUERING & John KRUSE,

supervisors; Alex GRIGNON, town clerk; Ed. YAKEL, treasurer, Louis SUERING,

Assessor"A. GRIGNON & T.W. BROWNELL, Justices of the Peace, Louis SUERING

& Chas. SCHROEDER, Constables.


July 27, 1878

If you expect to hear from this remote part of the county very often, you are

doomed to be disappointed, in fact, items of interesting news are very scarce

among such a steady, industrious class of people as we have in this It is so

very healthy that there is no sickness or deaths to chronicle, and owing to the

entire absence of ardent spirits there is no quarreling or fighting. The 4th of

July was enjoyed at a picnic party at the GRIGNON residence on the banks of

Pecore lake. The table fairly groaned with eatables. Teams were hitched up and

went out to the Indian settlement where we found them having a dance. They

welcomed us in a beautiful little speech by Thomas LA BELLE. We spent a short

time there and then returned to GRIGNONts where the night was spent tripping the

light fantastic toe – Mr. Edwin GRIGNON furnishing the music. Mr. SARGENT is in

town putting in elm lots. Mr. VAUGHN of Menasha has been up making improvements.

Martin SCHUTTPELZ had a narrow escape from death while helping Herman YAKEL

raise a log barn. He fell from a corner of the building about 12 feet to the

ground, but luckily escaped with slight injuries.


November 16, 1878

The summer has passed and the harvest is ended, and yet we are not all rich,

but doing well. The harvest of small grain was universally good. Hi POLAR’s

threshing machine threshed a thousand bushels of grain, and some was threshed

with a flail. Our town has increased the year past by 29 persons, 15 by

immigration and 14 by birth, and still there is plenty of room for all. Election

day passed quietly, 20 votes polled, 6 not voting.


March 1, 1879
Mr. Herman YAKEL’s youngest child died a few days

ago and was buried at Belle Plaine. Mr. Ed SUERING’s house caught fire one day

last week while he was absent from home, but his wife managed to keep in under

control until help came. It burned a hole in the roof. We thought the time for

making pr:esents was passed but we learn that Mrs. L. SUERING presented her

husband with a thousand doliar baby boy one day last week.