


Whereas in the United States:

  • More than 75% of college and university courses are given by adjuncts and contingent faculty with fixed-term contracts;
  • The salaries of college and university administrators have reached indecent proportions and, despite increases in tuition, the working conditions for those delivering the majority of courses have shown no improvement;
  • Virtually all of these adjuncts earn less than a living wage, have no access to health insurance, no resources for school supplies, and no job security.

We, course lecturers from FNEEQ-CSN’s Regroupement université reaffirm that:

  • The working conditions of adjuncts are the learning conditions of students, and this is equally true for our American colleagues;
  • Above and beyond working conditions, respect for educators must be an integral part of teaching.

Accordingly, we, course lecturers from across Quebec, denounce the working conditions of our teaching colleagues in the United States and offer them our solidarity for National Adjunct Walkout Day – on February 25, 2015.

Sylvain Marois
Fédération nationale des enseignantes
et des enseignants du Québec (FNEEQ–CSN)