Employees of Queen of Angels Academy were informed late last week that the Dorval private girls’ school will be closing its doors at the end of the 2013-2014 academic year.

Caroline Quesnel, FNEEQ vice-president responsible for the private sector, deplores the fact that this decision was presented to the school’s teachers and support staff as a done deal.


“How can a situation be left to degenerate to the point where the only remaining solution is to shut down?” asks Ms. Quesnel. For months, union representatives had been pressing for a meeting on the situation, which they knew was becoming increasingly precarious. “Yet, despite these repeated demands, it was only last week that the board of directors finally agreed to sit down with the union representatives, and it was then that they informed them of the closing, only moments before making the announcement public.”

The FNEEQ vice-president offers her assurance that the federation will take every possible measure to support the academic personnel, teachers and support staff during this difficult time. “We know the school’s employees will continue to display the same professionalism and unwavering commitment to students as they have for decades. And the federation will be right there by their side.”

A general assembly will be held later this week.

Profile of the FNEEQ
The Fédération nationale des enseignantes et des enseignants du Québec (FNEEQ) represents some 33,000 members, including the members of 35 unions in the primary, secondary and college education sectors, 17,000 CEGEP teachers and 12,000 members in a dozen university establishments.

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For information:

France Désaulniers
Communications advisor
Fédération nationale des enseignantes et des enseignants du Québec FNEEQ-CSN
514 598-2243
514 219-2947 (portable)
Facebook: FneeqCSN
Twitter: @FneeqCSN