The Fédération nationale des enseignantes et des enseignants du Québec (FNEEQ-CSN) is pleased to welcome a new union from the college sector to its ranks. Teachers from Marianopolis College, a more than century-old post-secondary institution in Montréal, sought FNEEQ affiliation and were granted union certification by the Labour Commissioner this past April 16th. This is the ninth union from the private college level to join the federation.
To Caroline Quesnel, FNEEQ Vice-President responsible for the Regroupement privé, the addition of this latest member to the federation is obviously excellent news. “We have been seeing a rise in affiliation requests in recent years, which sends a strong signal that private college teachers are increasingly aware of the advantages of joining forces to further their demands on working conditions and the exercise of their profession.” The federation’s Regroupement privé has been joined by nearly 10 new affiliates in the last four years.
The 150 newly-unionized teachers from Marianopolis College will soon be convened for their first general assembly to elect the members of the executive committee and of the other committees necessary to the functioning of the union.
“We want to extend our sincerest welcome to this new union and its members and to assure them of our commitment to supporting them in their efforts to bring respect and equity to the forefront of their workplace. Their presence in our federation will certainly enrich our representation in the higher education sector,” concludes Ms. Quesnel.
The Fédération nationale des enseignantes et des enseignants du Québec (FNEEQ) represents some 33,000 members in Quebec CEGEPs, private establishments and universities. The Regroupement privé includes 39 unions and more than 2,300 members. FNEEQ is affiliated with the Confédération des syndicats nationaux (CSN).
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For information:
France Désaulniers
Communications Advisor
Facebook: FneeqCSN