At a special general meeting of the Syndicat des enseignantes et enseignants de Villa Maria – CSN section Personnel Non Enseignant, 95% of the members present voted to renewed their bank of 24 hours of strike action.
After 31 bargaining sessions with very little progress being made, and given management’s arrogance, the non-teaching personnel walked off the job for one day on January 30, 2015 to put pressure on the employer and demonstrate their determination to obtain decent working conditions at last.
The day-long walkout was also aimed at informing parents and students about the situation and raising their awareness. ”We had no intention of preventing classes,” clarified union president Mathieu Morin. “But management cited poor weather conditions to close the college for the day. Its decision simply made union members even angrier, as well as sparking strong support for us among parents, who denounced management’s attitude”
This new strike bank will be used at the time deemed appropriate. ”We want respect and a satisfactory collective agreement for our members. Villa Maria management must negotiate in good faith,” reiterated the union president.
About the FNEEQ-CSN
The Fédération nationale des enseignants et des enseignantes du Québec (FNEEQ-CSN) has more than 34,000 members in CEGEPs, private institutions and universities. The regroupement privé is composed of 42 unions with more than 3,700 members. The FNEEQ-CSN is a professional federation affiliated with the Confédération des syndicats nationaux (CSN).
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For information:
France Désaulniers
Conseillère aux communications
514 598-2243
514 219-2947 (portable)
Facebook : FneeqCSN
Twitter : @FneeqCSN