Members of the non-teaching personnel section of the Syndicat des enseignantes et enseignants de Villa Maria – CSN, Villa Maria High School’s teachers’ union, voted unanimously to accept the agreement in principle reached with the school’s management in a general meeting held March 25.
For union president Mathieu Morin, the successful negotiation of this first collective agreement for Villa Maria’s non-teaching staff is an important victory.
“It was a tough battle, but we succeeded in making headway and our members are now in a better position for it,” he said, noting that it took 35 bargaining meetings over 19 months and a one-day walkout to arrive at a suitable agreement with management.
“Among the key highlights are the matching of pay scales with those in public school boards and a clause circumscribing recourse to subcontracting,” applauded Mr. Morin.
The collective agreement will be in force for a three-year period.
The Fédération nationale des enseignantes et des enseignants du Québec (FNEEQ-CSN) represents over 34,000 members in Quebec CEGEPs, private institutions and universities. The private institutions are part of the federation’s Regroupement privé, which includes 42 unions representing some 3,700 members. FNEEQ-CSN is affiliated with the Confédération des syndicats nationaux (CSN).
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Pour renseignements :
France Désaulniers
Conseillère aux communications
514 598-2243
514 219-2947 (portable)
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